• East Chamber Wednesday organize the expanded meeting of lawyers and legal advisers



    In the presence of the President of the Criminal Court in Dammam
    East Chamber Wednesday organize the expanded meeting of lawyers and legal advisers

    Eastern Chamber representative by East Committee of lawyers and legal consultants organize Wednesday 8 January 2014 the expanded meeting of the law firm to discuss and consider the concerns of the profession and improve its performance. Chief Counsel Committee Khalid Alsaleh mentioned that the meeting will review a number of issues and challenges facing the profession, and will discuss many of the proposals and views regarding the protection and reduction of irregular practices, noting that concerted efforts to continue to protect the legal profession and dissemination of human rights culture and justice. The meeting is hosted by virtue of Criminal Court in Dammam and President of Tawasel in the eastern region Sheikh Ablan bin Falih Aldossary where reviews the importance of program objectives and activity, the stages reached in particular that the program aimed at different segments of the youth offenders and how to unifies them in society which made them useful elements and change the path to that benefiting them and their families.

    Alsaleh said that this meeting is consistent with professional and community partnership of the Chamber represented with correctional institutions and programs, and called upon all lawyers and legal advisers in the eastern region to attend the meeting and participate in the dialogue, because of its importance in communication between practitioners and offering visions and proposals that removes all impediments to the development of the profession and highlight the role of the lawyer in society particularly in this stage because the role of the lawyer and legal counsel is an important player in all aspects of the social and economic fields.

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